Agro Vim Limited (AVL) is a Crop Protection Company. It was founded in 2011, located in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The company is dealing with the best solution for crop science in Bangladesh and a supplier of various types of agrochemical products and plays vital role for the growth of healthy crops. We provide insecticides, weedicides, fungicides, herbicides, fertilizers (micronutrients), plant growth regulator, Organic fertilizers etc.
Crop care is very vital to all of us. We are committed to provide high quality plant protection products of international standard which earns our admiration and benefits our employees, the society and the nation as a whole.
AVL believes in its responsibility towards the farmers who are the principal growth drivers of country’s agriculture.
Bangladesh is an agricultural based country. It is a small country with huge population. The population depends on agriculture. As a crop protection company, our policy is to stand behind the poor farmers so that they can maximize their crop production quantitatively and qualitatively to meet the challenges of future legacies. So our slogan is “Save farmland, save farmers”.
Sustainable agricultural development for our next legacies to come.
Green ecology utilizing science and technology and keep the universe away from environmental pollution and damages.
Committed to innovating brands, products services with the advanced solution.
AVL values customers and cares for their needs and requirements. We are committed to work with the customers directly to know about consumer needs and requirements. Customer satisfaction is one of our top priorities.
Company’s growth depends on the spirit of team work. We work tirelessly to improve organizational performance and business relationship with most of the existing players in the agrochemical market.
Rishipara (Padmar More), Harindhara,
Hemayetpur, Savar, Dhaka-1340.
+88 01770-551257
+88 01739-065624